
Showing posts from March, 2018

Review (Novel): Babylon's Ashes by James S.A. Corey

Introduction & Synopsis Babylon's Ashes is the sixth instalment in the  Expanse series of novels, which have been adapted by SyFy into a television series about to enter its third season.  Ashes veers away from the main plot-line of the series, the plot-line regarding humanity's colonisation of the hundreds of worlds that lie behind a mysterious alien network of wormhole generators, and focuses primarily on wrapping up the plot-thread of political unrest within the asteroid belt with the Eather-Belter war that began at the end of Nemesis Games .  Due to this distraction, Ashes feels like it was written by a writer simply going through the motions. Themes The themes concurrent throughout Ashes are simply amplified themes from previous instalments. Tribalism, political unrest, slave-master dichotomies, nationalism, etc. However, Ashes only seems to touch upon these ideas very lightly. Thus, there is very little to say in the way of this book's...