To whom I may concern, Welcome to my new blog. My name, in case you have not already discerned, is A.T. Jackson. Writing has always been one of my greatest interests, second only to the pursuit of scientific research. When I am at my keyboard, I am a writer, and also the creator and presenter of InFact, an upcoming online web-series dedicated to science, history and scepticism. When I am away from my keyboard, I am a Molecular Biologist. This blog shall act as a repository within which I can dump the dregs of my cognitive processes. Some of my posts shall relate to my writing, some of them shall relate to science and others will undoubtedly related to mundane issues and other miscellaneous thoughts. As of today, I am mapping out various plots for numerous works of fiction, and I am also considering a few dabbles in non-fiction tangentially. My literary interests lie mostly within speculative fiction (Sci-Fi, fantasy, etc.). Over the last few days I have been establishing my socia...